Project Summary
We wrote and designed the Sustainable Business issue of the annual community magazine for CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, giving the publication a style makeover in the process.
Our directive was to provide a design that would illustrate how CEMS’ brand visual identity could be re-invented in a modern aesthetic that felt both corporate and connective.
Paris, France
Paris, France
We wrote and designed the Sustainable Business issue of the annual community magazine for CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, giving the publication a style makeover in the process.
Our directive was to provide a design that would illustrate how CEMS’ brand visual identity could be re-invented in a modern aesthetic that felt both corporate and connective.
CEMS is a unique cooperation of 32 top business schools across 5 continents including Cornell, HKUST and HEC, who jointly offer an international Masters in Management degree to high-performing students. In addition to their collaboration with over 70 corporate and social partners, the organisation boasts a powerful alumni network present in nearly every country around the globe.
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